Websites and Phone Numbers24 Hour Emergency & National Hotlines
(855) 323-3237
(435) 752-0750
(888) 421-1100
(800) 799-7233
(724) 712-9449
(800) 656-4673
(801) 281-1202
(800) 621-7444
Law Enforcement Agencies
(435) 755-1000
(435) 716-9300
(435) 753-7600
(435) 563-8501
(435) 797-1939
(435) 793-2285 (Randolph)
(435) 946-3210 (Garden City)
(435) 734-3800
(435) 734-6650
(435) 734-3800
(435) 257-3131
(435) 723-6461
(435) 734-9881
(208) 852-1234
Protective Services Agencies and Courts
(435) 787-3400
(435) 734-4075
(435) 752-8880
(435) 723-6010
(435) 750-1300
(435) 734-4600
(435) 793-2415
(435) 713-6260
(435) 755-1860
(435) 734-3329
Local Counseling Services
(435) 752-0750 (Logan)
(435) 734-9449 (Brigham)
(435) 257-2168 (Tremonton)
(800) 620-9949 (Rich County)
(435) 752-1976
(435) 752-8880
(435) 723-6010
(435) 787-2272
(435) 750-6300
(435) 797-7430
(435) 723-2881